SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3413476 - New status External Time Data or External Allowance pending


There are New status External Time Data or External Allowance pending on the system. 
Or you may experience other delay of External Time Data and External Allowance processing, like deletion by setting 'Delete this External Time Data' to 'Yes'  and then save.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Time Sheet
  • SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking 


  • Please make sure the Earliest Possible Recalculation Date in Time Management Configuration is set to a date not in very far past. 
    This is because if there are too many unnecessary past dated recalculations triggered, it would lead to delay in External Time Data / External Allowance processing.
    Also the Earliest Possible Recalculation Date is suggested to be adjusted regularly, so that it does not stay on a very past date.
  • External Time Data / External Allowance with start date earlier than the Earliest Possible Recalculation Date in Time Management Configuration will be ignored by the Import Time Sheet job.
    And Earliest Possible Recalculation Date overwrites Weeks relevant for time sheet submit job in Time Management Configuration.
  • Please do not set Disable Instant Import of Time Sheet Data in Time Management Configuration to Yes, instead please keep Disable Instant Import of Time Sheet Data as No. 
    KBA 2854180 - Time Sheet: Instant Import Of External Time Data can be referred to.
    This is to ensure the processing of external time data created or imported will not be delayed until the scheduled job. 
    Also when there are a large number of external time data to be processed by the import job, there would be processing peak, which may lead to further delay in processing.
  • Please import External Time Data in small chunks regularly and not only once a particular period, like a week to avoid processing peaks, which may also lead to delay in processing.
  • Please check in Admin Alerts to see whether there is any Import Time Sheets alert. 
    Please make sure all the Import Time Sheets alerts are corrected. In other words, please make sure there is no Import Time Sheets alert at all in Admin Alerts.
    This is because the existing Import Time Sheets alert may block the processing of the other External Time Data of the same employee on the same week. 
  • Please avoid importing external time data and triggering recalculations at the same time.
  • Please make sure the TLMTriggerTask job is properly scheduled. 

Please understand the 'Instant' import doesn't necessarily mean immediately. It could delay occasionally depending on the overall performance/load on event infrastructure.
But multiple Engineering Teams on our end are already involved in heated discussion whether we would further improve from server or platform levels to avoid delay as much as possible.

See Also

Import of External Time Data

Importing External Allowances


new, processed, error, import, etd, external, time, data, recalculation, event, tmre, pending, performance, slow, hang, import, job, sheet, tms, ttr, cico, clock, event, punch , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TMS , Time Sheet , LOD-SF-TTR , Time Tracking , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking all versions