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3413855 - Dump error for Full partition even there is other empty partition


There is the dump error " maximum number of rows per table or partition reached" when you access the application tables.  The dump message looks like below:

Runtime Errors         DBSQL_SQL_ERROR                                                              
Except.                CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB                                                            
Date and Time          26.09.2023 18:21:30                                                     
Short Text                                                                                        
    SQL error "SQL code: 2055" occurred while accessing table "xxx".                    
What happened?                                                                                    
    Database error text: "SQL message: maximum number of rows per table or                        
     partition reached: 'xxx'"    

But when you check the details about table partitions, you find there is only one partition getting full,  some other partitions are still empty.



  • SAP HANA Database 1.0
  • SAP HANA Database 2.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, enterprise edition all versions ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


Partition, full, 2055, maximum number of rows per, empty, empty partition , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , Problem

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