SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3413862 - Resource Availability Calculation Background Job Failed with Error: 'Cancelled manually or by the system'


The background job of Resource Availability Calculation (AVAIL_CALC) has been failed with the below error:

'Cancelled manually or by the system'


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Select Application and User Management workcenter
  2. Select Background Jobs view
  3. From the dropdown select the Failed Jobs
  4. Notice Run ID: AVAIL_CALC and Run Type: Time And Labour Schedule Run
  5. Error: Cancelled manually or by the system


The background job  AVAIL_CALC failed as the object was locked by the user.


AVAIL_CALC job failures can be ignored as it will be taken care in the next job run as per the job scheduled.


AVAIL_CALC, Cancelled manually or by the system, Resource Availability Calculation, Background Job , KBA , SRD-HR-RPM , Resource Pool Management , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions