If You Transfer an Employee by Enabling the Checkbox Retain Manager to Different Org Unit the Employee is not Visible in the Active area of the Org Unit
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Personnel Administration Work Center.
- Go to Regular Tasks View.
- In Employment Changes section, select Transfer an Employee.
- Fill the following fields: Employee, Transfer Date, Organizational Unit, Job.
- You notice that a checkbox appears Retain Manager Assignment.
- Mark the checkbox Retail manager
- And transfer an Employee to different org unit.
When users make changes to an organizational unit in edit mode, it will be immediately visible in the planning area. However, it may take up to a day for these changes in Personnel Administration to be reflected in the active area of the org unit.
This delay is caused by a background job that runs daily. This means that it will take a day for the changes to be reflected in Active area
See Also
Retain Manager , Org unit, Personnel Administration, Business partner data , KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , AP-OM , Organisational Management , Problem