- In control rule list, when opening rule XXXXX, there is a blank page without any detail displayed.
- When deleting this rule, error occurs "Control of core model A model B ID XXXXX does not exist".
- When creating control rule XXXXX again, and adding it to the control set, a duplicate key error is received.
- In SLG1: Control of core model A model B ID XXXXX does not exist. Message no. UJCTRL_EXCEPTION001.
- F12 console has below error:
GET https://hostname:port/sap/bpcmodeling/controls/A/B/XXXXX%20%20%20%20/?format=xml&method=GET_CONTROL&_=1691548914178 500 (Internal Server Error)
2023-08-09 10:48:57.164300 error - 500 - Internal Server Error - sap.epm.ui.infra.service.ServiceProxy
Uncaught Error: "NaN" is of type number, expected int ManagedObject-dbg.js:1291 for property "maxSelectCount" of Element sap.epm.ui.controls.MenuComplex#__complex6
at h.validateProperty (ManagedObject-dbg.js:1291:11)
at M.validateProperty (AppCacheBuster.js?eval:6:3153)
at h.setProperty (ManagedObject-dbg.js:1150:12)
at f.setMaxSelectCount (ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:184:37)
at h.applySettings (ManagedObject-dbg.js:1007:20)
at ManagedObject-dbg.js:501:10
at f.constructor (ManagedObject-dbg.js:516:4)
at f.constructor (Element-dbg.js:99:17)
at f.constructor (Control-dbg.js:141:11)
at f [as constructor] (Metadata-dbg.js:346:18)
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP BW/4HANA
empty , KBA , EPM-BPC-BW4-CON-CTR , BPC/4 - Controls , Problem
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