When you are creating a Contract via Webservice ManageCustomerContractIn, you try to send Tax Code Details on the creation request, however, they are not reflected in the created document.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
When creating a Contract via Webservice ManageCustomerContractIn, you include the Tax Code information alongside the creation payload, for example:
<TaxationCharacteristicsCode listID="ABC">DEF</TaxationCharacteristicsCode>
(Where ABC Represents the Country Code and DEF Represents the Tax Code)
However, you notice that the Tax Code of the created Contract is not taken from the payload, but rather determined by the system.
The modification of Tax Details via Webservice ManageCustomerContractIn cannot be done on the same request where the Contract is being created.
A second ManageCustomerContractIn request needs to be sent with the Tax Code Details in order to update this information in the Contract via Webservice.
Web Service, Contract, ManageCustomerContractIn, XML, Payload, Request, Unable, Ignores, Ignored, Unable, Tax Code, Missing, Different, Tax Details. , KBA , AP-CCP-CC , Customer Contract , How To