SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3416113 - Form Master Template changes not reflecting


Changes made in Form Master template is not reflecting in the  preview of any document example Purchase order


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to  Application user managment work center
  2. Go to Master template maintenance view
  3. Select the option "form master templates " from drop down
  4. Select the  default option existing in your system and click on edit
  5. In the 'form master template ' details screen ,
  6. Make necessary changes
  7. Save and close
  8. Later create new  Purchase order and check  but those changes are not reflecting


 You made changes in master form template while u were logged in a different language than the form template's language


 Please check the form Template and its language that is  considered in the purchase order by following below steps.

  1.  Go to Purchase order
  2.  Click on You can also
  3.  Click on edit  out put settings
  4.  you will see that language there
  5.  also this language is determined by system based on Suppliers language
  6.  so you have to log in with that language and then make changes in teh Master form template
  7.  once you made changes then create new purchase order and the changes will reflect as expected.


KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 2311