SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3416167 - Cost Price Component is Displayed with Different Currency and Amount for the Sales Order and Sales Quote Documents


You notice that when creating a new Sales Quote document the Cost Price component is displayed with a certain currency and amount.

However when creating a new Sales Order document the Cost Price component is displayed with a different currency and amount, even though the same information was entered for the creation of both documents.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Order Work Center.
  2. In the Common Task column, Select the New Sales Order.
  3. Select View All button.
  4. Fill the required information for the creation of the document.
  5. Navigate to the Items tab.
  6. Select Add Row button.
  7. In the Product field, enter the desired Product.
  8. Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab.
  9. In the Item Pricing Section, Select Expand All button.

The Cost Price component is displayed with a certain currency and amount.

  1. Go to the New Business Work Center.
  2. In the Common Task column, Select the New Sales Quote.
  3. Select View All button.
  4. Enter the same information as in the Sales Order document .
  5. Navigate to the Items tab.
  6. Select Add Row button.
  7. In the Product field, enter the same Product as in the Sales Order.
  8. Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab.
  9. In the Item Pricing Section, Select Expand All button.

 The Cost Price component is displayed with a different currency and amount from the one displayed in the Sales Order.


For the creation of a Sales Quote document the system do not determine a Ship From party, hence the Cost Price component is always determined from the Inventory Cost for the Company YYY maintained in the Valuation tab of the Product Master Data. (Where YYY represents the Company ID).

In case more than one business residence is maintained for the same Company in the Valuation tab of the Product Master Data, the system will determine the Cost Price component as an average of the Inventory Cost maintained for the valid business residencies.

For the creation of a Sales Order document, the Ship From party is always required to be maintained and can defined as Internal or External.

If the Ship From is determine as External than the supplier will get populated as ABC (where ABC represents the Supplier ID). Since this is an external procurement, the Cost Price component is determined from the corresponding List Price information for the Supplier ABC and desired product.

If the Ship From is determine as Internal than the Cost Price Component will be determined according to the Product Master Data maintained in the Valuation tab.


This is an expected behavior.

See Also

KBA 2547292 - Cost Price Component of Sales Order Item Shows Incorrect Value


cost, price component, cost price component, sales quote, sales order, amount, currency, different  , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , AP-CQP-CQ , Customer Quote , How To


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