SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3416688 - Output Settings for Changed PO is not Working as Expected


You have selected output channel for change purchase order by Edit Output Settings for Changed PO and send update. But when you want to update the purchase order again, you find that the new output is not via expected channel you defined in Edit Output Settings for Changed PO.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Purchase Requests and Orders work center, Purchase Orders view.
  2. Find and open the target purchase order.
  3. Click on You Can Also->Edit Output Settings for Changed PO.
  4. The output channel is Printer by default for example. Change it to E-Mail.
  5. Make some changes to the purchase order, click on Send Update.
  6. Navigate to Output History tab and see that the output is sent by E-Mail as defined.
  7. Stay in the purchase order screen. Continue making changes to this purchase order.
  8. Click on Send Update button and navigate to Output History tab again.
  9. The latest output is by Printer.


This is a normal system behavior. Output channel for Changed PO has to be decided per update.


Every time making changes to the purchase order, decide the output channel specifically. 

See Also

KBA 2678740 - How is the Output Channel of a Purchase Order Determined


Output; Purchase Order; Edit Output Settings for Change PO; Output Channel , KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , AP-POP , Purchase Order Processing , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , Problem


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