- This KBA is to describe the different types of calculation in detailed 360 report.
- Difference in Weight Calculations for "Calculate by Category" and "Calculate by Sub-item".
SAP SuccessFactors 360 Multi-Rater
Why Two Types of Calculation Will Be Introduced
If customer allow users to mark rating as unrated, then the overall ratings by these two calculations will be different. (While unrated is disallowed, the ratings will be the same.) Also these two calculations will have different behaviors on item/category weight.
Ratings for example
1. Form Info: 4 raters, b1/b2/b3 belong to competency1, b4 belongs to competency2, b5/b6 belong to competency3, competency1/competency2 belong to section1, competency3 belongs to section2
2. X stands for unrated
user/behavior |
b1 |
b2 |
b3 |
avg of each user(competency1) |
b4 |
avg of each user(competency2) |
avg of each user(section1) |
b5 |
b6 |
avg of each user(competency3 and section2) |
overall rating of each user |
user1(cat-weight=10) |
3 |
1 |
X |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
X |
X |
X |
2 |
user2(cat-weight=20) |
3 |
2 |
3 |
2.67 |
3 |
3 |
2.84 |
X |
3 |
3 |
2.92 |
user3(cat-weight=30) |
X |
5 |
X |
5 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4.5 |
4.25 |
user4(cat-weight=40) |
4 |
2 |
5 |
3.67 |
X |
X |
3.67 |
1 |
2 |
1.5 |
2.58 |
avg of each behavior |
3.33 |
2.5 |
4 |
2.67 |
2.5 |
3.33 |
Detail Report Calculation
Note: All unrated items will be excluded from calculation.
Calculation Method 1 (Default Calculation): Each item is calculated by averaging this item ratings of all users.
1. (If enable behaviors) Behavior Calculation:
Example: The results is listed in row 'avg of each user(competency)'.
2. Competency Calculation:
Comp = (user1_comp+user2_comp+...)/rated_user_count
Competency 1: (2+2.67+5+3.67)/4=3.33
Competency 2: (2+3+3)/3=2.67
Competency 3: (3+4.5+1.5)/3=3
3. Section Calculation:
Section = (user1_sect+user2_sect+...)/rated_user_count
Section 1: (2+2.84+4+3.67)/4=3.13
Section 2: (3+4.5+1.5)/3=3
4. Overall calculation:
Overall = (user1_all+user2_all+...)/rated_user_count
Example: (2*10+2.92*20+4.25*30+2.58*40)/(10+20+30+40)=3.09
Note: The category weights will be just included in overall calculation. Please refer to 'Calculation Including Category Weights' for detailed category weights calculation.
Calculation Method 2 (Check 'Calculate Rates By Sub-Items' in detail report): Each item rating is calculated by averaging all sub-items ratings which belong to this item.
1.(If enable behaviors) Behavior Calculation:
Behavior calculation of method 2 is just like it of method 1.
2. Competency Calculation:
Comp = (comp_behavior1+comp_behavior2+...)/rated_behavior_count
Competency 1: (b1+b2+b3)/3=(3.33+2.5+4)/3=3.28
Competency 2: b4/1=2.67/1=2.67
Competency 3: (b5+b6)/2=(2.5+3.33)/2=2.92
3. Section Calculation:
Section = (sect_competency1+sect_competency2+...)/rated_competency_count
Section 1: (competency1+competency2)/2=(3.28+2.67)/2=2.98
Section 2: competency3/1 = 2.92
Note: Section weights will NOT be include in calculation.
4. Overall calculation:
Overall = (section1+section2+...)/rated_section_count = (2.98+2.92)/2=2.95
Note: When this option is checked, the following settings will not be included in the calculation.
(1) Category Weight: There are no such requirements now so that we do not need to add this function. (Category weights should be applied on the items which are calculated by average of all participants. In new scenario, as there is just behavior (or competency if behavior is disabled) using such calculation method, and in default scenario category weights are also not applied on behavior, so it will take a lot effort to cover this function.)
(2) Section/Competency/Behavior Weight: There are no such requirements now so that we do not need to add this function.
Summary: This option is recommended checked in following scenarios:
(1) The customer wants to calculate the items by average of sub-items and some unrated ratings are included in the forms.
(2) There are no category weights, section/competency/behavior weights.
(3) The manual rate is not set 'true'.
Calculation Including Category Weights
When having category weights, it has two calculation methods in summary view and detail report.
User |
Category(Weight) |
Overall Rating |
User1 |
Cat1(20%) |
3 |
User2 |
Cat2(30%) |
4 |
User3 |
Cat1(20%) |
unrated |
User4 |
Cat3(10%) |
2.5 |
User5 |
Cat2(30%) |
3 |
In Summary View
Overall Rating = (avg(category1)*weight1+avg(category2)*weight...)/(weight1+weight2...) (exclude unrated ratings)
avg(cat1) = 3
avg(cat2) = (4+3)/2=3.5
avg(cat3) = 2.5
Overall = (3*20+3.5*30+2.5*10)/(20+30+10)=3.17
In Detail Report
The calculation in detail report has three steps to apply the category weights.
1. Recalculate Category Weights
cat_weight = initial_cat_weight/total_cat_weight
total_cat_weight= cat1+cat2+cat3 = 20+30+10=60
cat1_weight = 20/60=0.33
cat2_weight = 30/60=0.5
cat3_weight = 10/60=0.17
2. Recalculate Rater Weights
user_weight = cat_weight/cat_user_count
(Now in detailed report, unrated rater will not be included in category weight normalization. So now the overall rating in detail report should be the same as that in summary view in all cases that exclude category drop/rollup.)
user1_weight = user3_weight = 0.33/2=0.165
user1_weight = 0.33
user2_weight = 0.5/2 = 0.25
user4_weight = 0.17/1 = 0.17
user5_weight = 0.5/2 = 0.25
3. Calculate Overall Rating
Overall Rating = user1_overall*user1_weight+user2_overall*user2_weight+...+userN_overall*userN_weight (exclude unrated ratings)
Overall Rating = 3*0.165+4*0.25+2.5*0.17+3*0.25=2.67
Overall Rating = 3*0.33+4*0.25+2.5*0.17+3*0.25=3.175
Note: If the threshold action is defined as 'rollup', then it will do rollup action first and then calculate the category weight using this rollup results.
Difference in Weight Calculations for "Calculate by Category" and "Calculate by Sub-item"
Calculate by Category |
Calculate by Sub-item |
competency |
no weight calculated |
no weight calculated |
section |
item weight calculated |
no weight calculated |
overall |
section & category weight calculated |
no weight calculated |
See Also
360 calculation, 360 detailed report calculation, summary rating, calculated rating, unrated, overall rating, weight , KBA , LOD-SF-MTR-RAT , Ratings and Weights , How To