SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3417280 - "The Form Id does not exist" error when searching for form id under Route form tool


When admins search for specific form id under Route form tool, below error appears:

“The Form Id does not exist”.


SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Route form tool
  2. Select “Form id” under “search by” option
  3. Enter the form id for action
  4. Click on search and error appears as below:
  5. “The Form Id does not exist”:


RBP target population is not set correctly for “Route document” permission access.


  1. Check for required permission role assigned to “Route document” access for admin.
  2. Check the respective permission role target population under Manage permission role.
  3. Make the target population as Everyone, so that admin can search for all form id’s.
  4. Ensure the option “Exclude granted users from having the permission access to themselves” is not enabled:


Route form, error, form id, search, admin, exist, target population, everyone. , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-MAP , Routing, Route Maps & Workflows , Problem


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