SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3417356 - Error 'G/L account (origin) is missing for sales line item with G/L account Cost of Sales' during New Journal Entry Voucher creation


You are trying to create a new journal entry voucher with the type 00088- Manual Entry for Sales Documents and 634 - Man. Write-Up/Write-Down for Sales Doc and encounter error 'G/L account (origin) is missing for sales line item with G/L account Cost of Sales' upon posting or simulation.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to General Ledger work center and New Journal Entry Voucher with the type 00088- Manual Entry for Sales Documents and 634 - Man. Write-Up/Write-Down for Sales Doc.
  2. Enter 'Cost of sales' G/L account which includes Sales document details and a debit entry
  3. Enter 2 more rows with 2 different 'Costs or expenses' G/L account and hit simulate to encounter error message.

The message is not thrown when 2nd and 3rd row contains same G/L account even though the 1st row has a blank G/L Account (Origin) field


System is behaving as expected.


If there exists more than one expense or revenue lines with different G/L Accounts, you must enter a valid G/L Account (Origin) for the sales ledger lines. Hence system throws error message.

See Also

Manual Entries for Sales Documents:


JEV, Manual Entries for Sales Documents, G/L Account (Origin) , KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions