When reviewing completed performance forms, the forms continue updating achievements, feedback, and last skill/competency ratings.
- SAP SuccessFactors Career Development Planning
- SAP SuccessFactors Continuous Performance Management
- SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management
- SAP SuccessFactors Job Profile Builder
- SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management
- SAP SuccessFactors Talent Intelligence Hub
Reproducing the Issue
- A performance form is configured to use the last skill/competency rating and/or use achievements/feedback from Continuous Performance Management
- Ensure the performance form is completed
- Update a skill/competency, achievement, and/or feedback
- The form is updated even though the form is completed
Expected behavior
The performance form does not create a snapshot of the Growth Portfolio ratings, Achievements, or Feedback. The forms display this information from the other modules, even if the form is completed. If the information is updated in the source module, this will reflect in the form in real time.
If you think a change would be useful for your business, please share your ideas via Customer Influence Portal for our Product Management team to review. Once you have submitted your idea, other customers and partners can vote for it and your votes help us to prioritize ideas that we will consider for upcoming product releases.
See Also
ratings updated completed form, TIH ratings in form, Growth portfolio ratings, CPM feedback, Achievements integration with forms, reviews, pmgm, pm, skills, competencies, ratings, objectives, cdp, gm, updating, updated, KM-19023 , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-TIH-POR , Capabilities Portfolio (Growth Portfolio) , LOD-SF-TIH-SKL , Skills Ontology , LOD-SF-PM-GM , Goals in PM Form , LOD-SF-GM-INT , Integrations with PM, CMP, VP, EC, etc. , LOD-SF-CPM-FBK , Achievement Feedback, Get Feedback , LOD-SF-CPM-GM , Goal Integrations , LOD-SF-PM-FAM , Competencies Behaviors Families and Roles , LOD-SF-CDP-FAM , Competencies, Behaviors, Families and Roles , LOD-SF-CDP-INT , CDP Integrations, LMS, PM, EC etc. , LOD-SF-TIH-JPB-ADM , Admin Center, Settings, Permissions , Product Enhancement