A business requirement exists to use price conditions with scales in purchase contracts. When you try to add scales to the price condition in a contract, it is not possible.
SAP S/4Hana Cloud
Reproducing the Issue
1) Open APP Manage Purchase Contracts
2) Enter the mandatory Header and Item details
3) Navigate to the item conditions TAB
4) Try to add scales to the price condition type PPR0
Scales can be maintained for condition types, only if the Scale Base Type and SCALE TYPE are configured. (Only quantity and value scales are supported)
Follow these configuration steps:
1) Create a custom price condition with scale type A or B (eg: copy PPR0 to ZPRO)
Set Pricing Condition Types - Purchasing SSCUI 101094
2) Create a custom pricing procedure replacing PPR0 with ZPR0 (eg: copy A10001 to Z10001)
Set Calculation Schema - Purchasing SSCUI 101095
3) Copy supplimentary pricing procedure AXX001 to ZXX001 also replacing PPR0 with ZPR0
Set Calculation Schema - Purchasing SSCUI 101095
4) Add the new supplementary Pricing Procedure ZXX001 to the ZPR0 condition
Set Pricing Condition Types - Purchasing SSCUI 101094
5) Set up the pricing procedure determination to pick up your new custom pricing procedure Z10001.
Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders SSCUI 102144
** When a purchase contract is created with this pricing procedure adding scales will then be possible
See Also
KBA 2844597
Scales, Staffel, STFKZ, V_T685A-STFKZ , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-SQ-CON , Fiori UI for Manage Purchase Contracts , How To