SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3418163 - After you convert a planned order in Manage Material Coverage app, the production order generated is not released automatically.


In SSCUI 102508 - Define Production Scheduling Profile for Discrete Manufacturing, you have set that the production order will be released at creation.
However, when you convert a planned order to a production order in Manage Material Coverage app, the production order is saved without being released. Checking in the production order, there is a status RELR.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition


The production order is not released automatically because there are missing parts in it.
You can check the detailed information in the error log if you release the production order again manually.


In SSCUI 102447 - Define Checking Control, you can control whether to release a production order when there are missing parts.
However, please note that if you select "User decides on release if parts are missing", this will not be considered in Manage Material Coverage app, because the conversion process in this app is a background process and no user dialog will pop up for the user to make a decision. After the conversion, you directly get a message saying that the production order is saved.
In contrast to this is the conversion process in Monitor Stock / Requirements List (MD04). When you convert a planned order in MD04, Converting Planned Order - to Production Order (CO40) will be called. This is a real-time process and you have the opportunity to decide whether to release the production order. So if you want to make a decision in the conversion process, please use MD04.


Manage Material Coverage, convert planned order, release production order, RELR, SSCUI 102508 - Define Production Scheduling Profile for Discrete Manufacturing, SSCUI 102447 - Define Checking Control, Monitor Stock / Requirements List, MD04, CO40 , KBA , PP-SFC-EXE-2CL , Order Execution (Public Cloud) , PP-FIO-MRP-2CL , Fiori UI for Material Requirements Planning (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions