SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3418350 - Adjustment of size for E-Mail Screen in Ticket Interactions


There is no option to adjust the size of the E-Mail Screen via Adaptation in Ticket Interactions.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Service
  2. Go to the Tickets view
  3. Select any Ticket
  4. Go to Interactions Tab
  5. Go to User menu
  6. Start Adaptation
  7. Click on New
  8. Right-Click on Screen
  9. There is no Option to adjust the size of the ModalDialog screen


Expected behavior. It is currently not possible to adjust the size of a ModalDialog screen via adaptation.


This would be an enhancement request to Product Management. You can do this by following the link below:


E-Mail, Adjustment, Adaptation, ModalDialog , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2311