SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3419156 - Story 2.0 : Different Behavior of Input Controls with "Cascading effect" in Story 2.0 and Analytics Designer


  • There are different behaviors with "Cascading Effect" involving two "Page Filter input control" between "Analytic Application" consuming Live BW and a "Story2" made/converted based on it. 
  • Each contains two page filters and a table that are all consuming same dimension ex:"Customer".
  • In Analytic Application (Designer), when setting member(s) on the right page filter, it applies successfully to the left page filter and the table.

  • In Story 2.0, when setting member(s) on the right page filter, it applies to the table but it does not apply to the left page filter that remains blank/empty.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2023.21.8


Missing members are unbooked members. Cascading on unbooked members is not supported.
Refer to


As mentioned like Restrictions, when an input control with the "Show unbooked members" option turned ON has filters cascading their changes into it, the unbooked members won't be included in the input control's list of members.
This is by design behavior in Story 2.0 that is input control won't show unbooked members that are cascaded in from other input controls.
These cascaded unbooked members won't be displayed in the list of members in the new story design mode.
A feature enhancement request can be created by following this KBA

See Also


Cascading effect, unbooked members, input control, Story 2.0, Analytics Designer, , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES-OFLTR , SAP Analytics Cloud Optimized view mode filtering , LOD-ANA-AD , Analytics Designer , Problem


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