SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3419169 - Process Communication Error in Sales Order for Country Spain


The following error appears in a sales order document:

  • Saving not possible due to status of document
  • Please maintain the correct combination of VAT and Equalization rates


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Sales Order work center
  2. Select Sales Order view
  3. Under the drop-down, select All Orders
  4. Search for sales order ABC (Where ABC represents the sales order ID)
  5. Click in Edit / View All
  6. Go to Document Flow tab

Process Communication Error is visible for Sales Order ABC.

In addition, the Process Communication error is also visible by following the below steps:

  1. Go to Application and User Management work center
  2. Under Business Data Consistency view, select Process Communication Errors sub-view
  3. From the drop-down, select Open Errors With Incidents
  4. Click in the Advanced Search
  5. Under Sending Document ID, search for the relevant sales order

The following errors are visible:

  • Saving not possible due to status of document
  • Please maintain the correct combination of VAT and Equalization rates


The error appears due to the combination of the Tax Rate Types against one of the Sales Order Line Items.

  1. Go to the Sales Order work center
  2. Select the view Sales Orders
  3. Search and find Sales Order ABC (ABC represents the Sales Order ID)
  4. Go to the Items tab
  5. Select a line item and select Taxes tab

Here you will see the Tax details maintained against the line items.

Each Line item has 2 Tax Types maintained against it.

One Tax Type for VAT and another Tax Type for Equalization.

Both the Tax Types must have the same Tax Rate Types maintained.

For example, if Tax Type VAT has Tax Rate Type: Reduced then the Tax Type Equalization should also match the Tax Rate Type: Reduced.


To solve the issue, you need to make sure that the Tax Rate Types are the same.

Please refer to Spanish Tax Agency website which refers to the rates for further details:

Equalization Tax Rates - Spain


Spain, Equalization, Rates, error, tax rate type. , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions