SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3419236 - Opportunity Product Table Not Displayed Based on It's Line Item Order


Objects in Opportunity Product table do not match the line item value (E.g.: Line ID ordering is 20,10,30 instead of 10,20,30).


SAP Cloud For Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to opportunity in the product offering tab.
  2. Notice how ordering of the table does not match line item.
  3. It's possible that you might need to in adapt mode remove the hide option from the line field to view it.


Opportunity Product table default ordering is not based on line item but based on object ID of the products, Such object IDs are not guaranteed to match the line item ordering.

This default ordering applies to Odata calls of opportunity products as well.


This is the default behavior of the system.

On adaptation mode of the table, it is possible to set the default ordering to follow line item value.


Line Item, Opportunity, Opportunity Product, C4C, Ordering, Table, Odata. , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-RT , UI Framework Runtime , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2311