- Create Adapt UI changes from Development (DEV) and Transported (TR) to Quality (QA) but the AdaptUI is not being reflected in the Transport Request which means that the QA will not get the adapt UI changes, why is this the case?
- Pseudo description:
- ---Pseudo explanation---
- Dev
- Design 1
- Add Field (This will have a change ID of X)
- TR (transport of change ID X) to QA
- Transporting Change ID of X to QA
- Completed Transport of Change ID of X to QA
- QA
- The changes do not show up
- Design 1
- ----end pseudo explanation----
- Example Transport from DEV to QA with Transport numbers:
- ~~~Transport logs~~~~
- Changes per newly attached Transport log files of comparison between DEV versus QA
- ====DEV====
- Let the transport request equal = SD1K907678
- That shows some custom adapt UI field with key unique ID of the changes
- ID_737_addGroup change Customer Request = SD1K907678
- ID_738_renameGroup change Customer Request = SD1K907678
- ID_747_addFields change Customer Request = SD1K907678
- ID_749_moveGroups change Customer Request = SD1K907678
- That shows some custom adapt UI field with key unique ID of the changes
- Let the transport request equal = SD1K907678
- ====end====
- After transporting to QA, the unique IDs or changes are not implemented in the Transported details in QA.
- ==QA====
- No request of the above seen in QA not for Request = SD1K907678
- ==End====
- Question: Why is this the case?
- ~~~Transport logs~~~~
Fiori 1.120.X
SAPUI5 1.0
"adaptui transport","adapt ui changes does not exist","adapt ui changes was not transported","adapt ui delta changes not seen","adapt ui modification missing","adapt ui layer repository","SUI_SUPPORT","Transport not seen in QA","Transport logs does not show changes","after transport the changes are not seen" , KBA , CA-UI5-FL-LRP , Layered Repository , Problem
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