- To improve the security of your sites by adding HTTP security headers to protect against clickjacking, cross-site scripting, XSS, and other attacks, you can add one or more of the supported HTTP security headers. HTTP security headers provide an extra layer of security by restricting actions that the browser and server allow once your site is running.
- While entering value for Security Header, and maximum number of characters inputted surpasses 1100, you will get error message "Enter a maximum number of 512 characters."
- SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition
- SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition
SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition 1.0 ; SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition 1.0
security header, security headers, build work zone, standard edition, advanced edition, content-security-policy, http headers , KBA , EP-WZ-SM , Site Directory, Site Settings, Site Service, IAS Integration , Problem
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