- There is a database (auditdb) that needs to be recovered first AND needs to be online before all other databases.
- The other databases will have audit triggers that will write to the auditdb and if that first database is not online, the triggers will fail writing to the audit table and data will be lost.
- To force recovery of this database, two configurations are enabled:
sp_configure 'enable logins during recovery', 0 -- turn off all logins until the server is fully recovered.
sp_dbrecovery_order auditdb, 1, null, strict
--OR --
sp_dbrecovery_order auditdb,1, force, strict
- This leads to a few questions:
- What happens if the auditdb is corrupted, or is not recovered?
- Will an unrecovered database keep all accounts from logging in until it is fully recovered?
- Would like to keep all users out until the server is fully recovered.
- If a specific database doesn't recover:
- Does it prevent the other databases from recovering until it's been recovered?
- Or will it allow the other databases to recover?
- Since logins are locked, during recovery, users will not be able to log into the system until, the specific database has recovered, or all databases have recovered?
- What is the difference between "null, strict", and "force, strict"?
- If the server needs to be opened to all users, without the specific database being recovered, how is the done?
- Any other issues not covered in this list?
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) all versions
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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