Not able to use specials characters (#,!) when defining a password.
ECO connection is not able to resume after password for replication maint user changed in Oracle. The password contains special characters (# and !). If using password without the special characters, then can resume connection.
1> alter connection to ECO001 set password to 'AA#bBBBB!C'
2> go
Connection to 'ECO001' is altered.
1> resume connection to ECO001
2> go
Connection to 'ECO001' is resumed.
1> admin who_is_down
2> go
Spid Name State Info
---- --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
DSI EXEC Down 120(1) ECO001
DSI Down 120 ECO001
In the SRS log:
I. 2023/12/05 09:57:34. The DSI thread for database 'ECO001' is shutdown.
I. 2023/12/05 10:04:35. The DSI thread for database 'ECO001' is started.
I. 2023/12/05 10:04:36. Message from server: Message: 1017, State 0, Severity 5 -- '[ connection ][ XXXXXXXXXXX ] OCISessionBegin ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
It was tried to alter connection by specifying the new password "with single quote", "with double quotes", "without any quotes" but all failed with same error.
This new password can be used to login to Oracle using SQLPLUS.
Password with "_" ( underscore, eg, Pwd_ap ) works fine. This only fails with "#" and "!".
- Replication Server 16.0 SP03
- ExpressConnect for Oracle (ECO)
ECO ExpressConnect for Oracle password specials characters # ! message 1017 invalid username/password Login failed logon denied connection oracle , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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