To approve the Expense Report XXX you are using single step approval and Work distribution is Line Manager of Employee YYY. And you have maintained the condition that, Expense Report Approval Configuration = Yes.
For Employee YYY you expect the approver should be the Employee's respective Line Manager.
('XXX' refers to Expense Report ID)
('YYY' refers to Employee ID)
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
1) Go to the Travel and Expenses work center.
2) Go to the Expense Report sub view.
3) Filter it with Expenses Reports - Pending Approval, for the Expense Report XXX, you expect that approver should be the Employee's respective Line Manager.
4) But the Approval process was not yet happen, and the Expense Report XXX is still pending for the Approval.
You checked the below mentioned Pre-Conditional steps;
- Go to the Application and User Management work center.
- Go to the Approval Process view.
- Click Approval Process for Expense Report.
- Make sure that there is only One Step in Process Step.
- Work Distributions needs to be set as 'Approver of Highest Cost' or 'Line Manager of Employee'.
- The Conditions have to be 'Expense Report Approval Configuration Equal to Yes'.
Here even though you checked that all the pre-conditions are fine in your system, still the Expense Report XXX needs the direct Line Manager approval. It's because Reporting Line Unit check box is not activated under the Organizational Structure.
You can extend the Organizational Management by checking the RLU- Reporting Line Unit check box for the specific period using below steps:
1) Go to the Organizational Management work center.
2) Go to Edit Org Structure sub view.
3) Select the Org Unit YYY.
4) Click the Edit button.
5) Try to select the Preferred Date .
6) Under the Definition tab, check the Reporting Line Unit check box.
7) Activate it.
See Also
Expense Report, Single Step Approval, Line Manager, Employee, Organizational Management, Reporting Line Unit. , KBA , SRD-FIN-ERM , Travel and Expense Management , Problem