On BE_VAT_DCL documentation, in the example, it is not reported which are the settings recommended for Reverse Charge Tax code
Reverse Charge Tax code with ESA /ESE, or even MWS/VST Account keys into FTXP transaction
- S4CORE 103
- S4CORE 104
- S4CORE 105
- S4CORE 106
- S4CORE 107
- S4CORE 108
SAP S/4HANA all versions
BE_VAT_DCL, ACR, DRC, Advanced Compliance Reporting, Document and Reporting Compliance, CONTROLS
Reverse Charge tax code MWS VST ESA ESE debit credit positive negative minus plus
Tables T007K T007L OBCG OBCH MWSKZ KTOSL Account key , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-BE , Belgium , XX-CSC-BE-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-BE , Product Enhancement
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