The color of phone number and email address hyperlink in people proflie header is blue, when the header background uses a dark color, it is hard to recoganize the content. How to change its color?
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
- Employee Profile
We have 3 methods to change the color here.
Option 1:
- Go to Theme Manager, choose the theme that is in use
- Change the color in Fine Tune<Portlets<Body link text color
Attention: Since all the profile page hyperlinks color is controlled here, this change will affect all hyperlinks in people profile, but not only header.
Option 2:
- Go to Configure People Profile<General Settings<Manage background image library
- Check "Deactivate the translucent layer"
- Click "Text Color" button to change the header text color
Attention: This change will affect all text color in people profile, but not only hyperlink color
Option 3:
Take advantage of three Custom Field in Profile header.
- Go to Manage Business Configuration<HRIS Sync Mappings
- Add a new Hris Sync mapping HRIS element value to a custom field in "Standard Field", and then Save. For example (Customizable Field 14)
- Go to Configure People Profile<General Settings<Configure Header Fields
- Choose "Customizable Field 14" in Custom Field dropdown, then save
Attention: This action will add a custom field in Profile header, please uncheck Phone Number 1/2 or Email address from Configure Header Fields to avoid duplicated values. Moreover, the Custom Field in header is identified as a string field, thus not hyperlink anymore.
Theme Manager, dark background, translucent layer, Configure People Profile , KBA , LOD-SF-EP-HED , People Profile Header Ribbon , How To