- While performing the manual steps of note: 3356585 - "SAPUI5 index page, dedicated HTTP endpoint", we get the following error:
Action is not allowed in modification mode/extension mode" message no. OO401.
~~~~End error~~ - We get this error when performing the manual steps on this note on: Delete the methods of the class /UI5/CL_UI5_HTTP_HANDLER via SE24.
SAPUI5 1.108.22
SAPUI5 1.0
"Error OO401","Action is not allowed in modification mode/extension mode","Error in 3356585","Manual step failure 3356585","issue implementing manual steps 3356585","Note 3356585 error", "/UI5/CL_UI5_HTTP_HANDLER delete","delete step /UI5/CL_UI5_HTTP_HANDLER","SE24 /UI5/CL_UI5_HTTP_HANDLER" , KBA , CA-UI5-DLV , UI5 ABAP delivery tools , Problem
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