While you running SUM, the following error occurs during SUM-Phase: PREP_INIT/TOOLCHECKXML_UPG.
The update procedure needs a patched version of the tools listed below.
There are different cases to be taken into account for each reported tool:
Kernel TypeThe tool in question was called...
Necessary Actions
There are four additional consistency checks of the tools regulation
DBMS Client
Make Variant
The consistency check managing Make Variant failed with the error:
There is an inconsistency regulation 'makevariant': it ranges from 722_EX2_REL (disp work) to 722_EXT_REL (R3load)
You have to take care that the tools are consistent, i.e. are of the same Release, DBMS Client, Make Variant, and Unicodeness!
When you check the version of R3load and disp+work under ...\SUM\abap\exe, they are as below:
R3load information
kernel release 722
kernel make variant 722_EXT_REL
disp+work information
kernel release 722
kernel make variant 722_EX2_REL
The message about the versions in bold font can be different in each SUM.
SAP ABAP systems
makevariant, mig, consistency, inconsistency, TOOLCHECKXML, abap\exe, abap\exe_2, checks.txt, directory, stack, xml, disp+work , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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