- Issue at sending a data from lookup function.
- Soap lookup with mapping to call target system fails with a similar errors:
MP: processing local module localejbs/
Information XISOAP: XI message received for processing
Information XI packaging (bulk mode) is not enabled. Switching to normal processing....
Information SOAP: Request message entering the adapter processing with user Guest
Information SOAP: Target url: http://Hostname:Port/MessagingSystem/receive/JPR/XI
Information Message was received by the messaging system. Protocol: XI URL: http://Hostname:Port/MessagingSystem/receive/JPR/XI Credential (User)
1/16/2024 05:02:07.919 PM Information Using connection JPR. Trying to put the message into the request queue
1/16/2024 05:05:07.915 PM Error Synchronous timeout exceeded
1/16/2024 05:05:07.916 PM Error Message status set to FAIL
1/16/2024 05:05:07.923 PM Error Error during parsing the received XMB message.
1/16/2024 05:05:07.924 PM Error SOAP: Call failed: System Error Received. HTTP Status Code = 200: However System Error received in payload ErrorCode = GENERAL ErrorCategory = XIAdapterFramework Parameter1 = Parameter2 = Parameter3 = Parameter4 = Additional text = Message 00000000000000(INBOUND) expired ErrorStack = [^Error "GENERAL"]
Error SOAP: Error occurred: System Error Received. HTTP Status Code = 200: However System Error received in payload ErrorCode = GENERAL ErrorCategory = XIAdapterFramework Parameter1 = Parameter2 = Parameter3 = Parameter4 = Additional text = Message 997c0ef9-b488-11ee-97ec-00000038e9ba(INBOUND) expired ErrorStack = [^Error "GENERAL"]
ErrorStack = [^Error "GENERAL"]
1/16/2024 05:08:19.282 PM Error JPR could not process the message. Reason: Error while processing request
1/16/2024 05:08:19.283 PM Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection JPR failed, due to: Error processing inbound message. Exception: Error while processing request. Setting message to status failed
"Unable to open connection to host "Hostname:port". The host is down or unavailable.. "
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Process Integration 7.50
Process Orchestration 7.50, Process Integration 7.50, PI 7.50, PO 7.50, NetWeaver, JPR, Lookup, Java Proxy , KBA , BC-XI-CON-JPR , Java Proxy Runtime , Problem
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