SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3422750 - Mean aggregated order forecast values dropped to zero


You use SCM Forecasting and Replenishment. You have Distribution centers (DC) where you use Multi Echelon Replenishment scenario (MER) for replenishment, which means that the aggregate of the order forecast values (Mean aggregated order forecast) on store (stores will be supplied by the DC) level will influence the Forecast values on DC level (AOF as forecast replacement or AOF as additonal demand).

You experience that the Mean aggregated order forecast values (time series AGG_ORD_FC_MEAN) dropped to zero, altought on supplied store level you have order forecast values.



SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (for use with SAP merchandising software) all versions


AOF, AOF zero, Mean aggregated OFCST, Mean aggregated order forecast zero, AGG_ORD_FC_MEAN, AOF border, AOF right border, MER, Multi Echelon replenishment, MER, Multi-Echelon Replenishment, AOF, Aggregated Order Forecast, order forecast horizon, right border, Use Maximum OF Horizon from Receiving Locations for AOF Calculation, /FRE/USE_MAX_RECLOC_OFCHOR, /FRE/DB_CL_TS_ORD_FC_ACCESS, CALCULATE_AGG_ORDER_FORECAST, CHECK_TSTTO_AGG_ORDER_FORECAST, GET_ACTIVE_BORDERS  , KBA , SCM-FRE-FRP , FRP Functions , Problem

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