FRP run terminates with status Fatal Error in sequence 4 (step READ_FILES_FOR_RWB) and you see dumps MESSAGE_TYPE_X and CX_SY_ZERODIVIDE for ABAP Program /FRE/SAPLFU_FRP_SAFIN.
SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (for use with SAP merchandising software) all versions
Safety Amount distribution, sequence 4, forecast numbers, /FRE/LFU_FRP_SAFINF09, form determine_fcday, dump, message type x, F&R High-Level exception 007, MESSAGE_TYPE_X, CX_SY_ZERODIVIDE, READ_FILES_FOR_RWB, FRP dump, FRP fatal error, Fatal error
, KBA , SCM-FRE-FRP , FRP Functions , Known Error
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