End users cannot synchronize a Visit from Outlook to cloud for a customer; the sync status returns from the cloud with information. RBAM error message indicates no authorization.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Customer
- Open any
- Go to the Visit Tab
- Create New
- Observe: ERROR- "RBAM: No authorization for 'BuiltIn <default> WRITE' on instance 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' of 'BONodeProxy <default> BUSINESS_ACTIVITY <default> ROOT' in context 'UIApplication <default> /BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/Visit/VisitExecution/COD_Visit_QC.QC.uicomponent <default> <default> Operation <default> Start'"
- This could be related to the User's Access to the Visit Object.
- In the Quick Create screen of the new Visit, the Sales Organization is not defaulted.
- The user is not assigned to any Sales Organization.
- Check the user's Access Right to Visit and validate.
- Check the Business Configuration to see how the Organisation Unit is defaulted in the new Visit Quick Create.
- Check to see if the user's Sales organization is flagged as 'Sales' at the Organization level.
Access Right, RBAM, Organizational Unit, Sales Organization, Flagged Sales, Visit , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACT-VST , Visit Planning , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2311