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3423445 - Hyperlinks inside HTML content open in external browser instead of Webview2 pop up


SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 has a different behavior comparing to SAP GUI 7.70 when displaying HYPERLINKS inside browser control (using class "cl_gui_html_viewer" with Edge browser control as example).

  • In 7.70, when clicking in a hyperlink, it will get a pop-up window (webview2) with the content.
  • In 8.00, the hyperlink URL is opened directly in Edge browser.

When opening the web content in WebView2 pop up window it can still interact with SAP GUI for Windows. When displaying it in Edge browser, it loses the integration with SAP GUI.


This behavior is different from the one described in Note: "3327306 - Edge HTML control: Blank page is displayed when HTML application is opened outplace in Edge browser / extension "SAP GUI connector for Microsoft Edge" does not seem to work"

In Note 3327306 the issue occurs with Web transactions (such as SOAMANAGER) and not with hyperlinks inside HTML content embedded in GUI. Each of this issues has a different cause and a different solution. Refer to 3327306 if the issue is with Web transactions otherwise if it is with hyperlinks embedded in GUI continue through this documentation.



SAP GUI for Windows 800.

ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP ERP all versions


Edge, WebView2, WebView, browser control, IE, control, custom, CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER, UsePopUpWindow, OCI, OCI Catalog, Cathalog, OCI Cathalog, outplace HTML, outplace link, outplace Edge, not integrated, integration, updated, update, unintegrated, connection, eCatalog, link, Hyperlink, pop-up, popup, pop up, SAP GUI 800, SAPGUI 8, Patch 6, 3rd party, outplace, inplace, embedded. , KBA , BC-FES-CTL , SAP GUI for Windows Controls , Problem

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