When you try to find opportunity score for any opportunity Id (even if the status is in new/ in progress) there is no score available in the side panel. It shows the message - 'Score is currently unavailable'
SAP Cloud for customer core applications
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to the Sales workcenter.
2. Go to the Opportunities view.
3. Search for opportunity ID with status new/in progress.
4. Opportunity score is not available.
The user account who created opportunity scoring model is associated with the opportunity scoring job. If that user is in locked state, the daily scoring trigger won't run in the customer tenant. The reason is machine learning model runs a background job to score opportunities daily who activates the model and if that user is locked, then the run can't be executed.
See Also
3002850 - Machine Learning: No Scoring for Opportunities Or Leads
2932357 - Calculation of the ML Opportunity Score
2928638 - How To: Machine Learning Opportunity Score Card Activity Engagement counter
Opportunity scoring, insights, side panel , KBA , LOD-CRM-ML-SLS , Machine learning-sales cloud (cloud for customer) , Problem