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3424061 - How to create API Management, API portal instance and same / different credentials for different service keys in the same instance


The apiportal-apiaccess plan allows you to generate a service key by creating a service instance.

The service key, consisting of url (application url), clientId, clientSecret, and tokenUrl is used to generate a Bearer Token with the help of a REST Console. This Bearer Token, along with the application url and API endpoint are used to trigger the API. Therefore, Bearer Token acts like a key to access the APIs.

This KBA explains how to enable API access for API Management, API portal and how to create different credentials for different service keys in the same API Management, API portal instance.



SAP API Management


API Management all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


API Management, APIM, On, Demand, SAP, Cloud, Platform, OPU, API , service, instance, key, service instance, service key, API Management, API portal, binding, bind, instance-secret, binding-secret, credential-type, xsuaa, payload, JSON, JSON payload, clientSecret , KBA , OPU-API-OD-DT , Designtime , Problem

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