- The HANA system's indexserver and/or nameserver traces show high memory consumption on the 'Pool/Statistics/Others' allocator
GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT (GAL) = 262.31gb (281659473920b), SHARED_MEMORY = 5.59gb (6008467456b), CODE_SIZE = 3.34gb (3591475200b), NVM_ALLOCATED_SIZE = 0b, OOM_RESERVATION_ALLOCATOR_SIZE = 96.14mb (100810752b)
PID=1342499 (hdbindexserver), PAL=262.44gb (281793691648b), AB=214.85gb (230701150208b), UA=0, U=193.86gb (208161113364b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
[Some processes may have been skipped]
Total allocated memory= 261.87gb (281182674944b)
Total used memory = 237.27gb (254776221535b)
Sum AB = 271582732288
Sum Used = 245176278879
Top "M_HEAP_MEMORY" allocators (component, name, size). Ordered descending by exclusive_size_in_use.
1: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/Statistics/Others 78.56gb (84356804784b) - Other secondary heap allocators consumed by the backup catalog are observed to have high memory consumption also :
2: System: Pool/BackupRecoveryAllocator 50.71gb (54458097264b)
3: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/RowEngine/MonitorView/StatisticsMonitors/M_DEV_BACKUP_CATALOG_LOG 22.01gb (23643517440b)
4: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/Statistics 17.16gb (18436880464b)
- hdbcons output reveals that the largest contributors to 'Pool/Statistics/Others' are on the log backup catalog entries (44 GB & 39 GB in this example) :
> mm bl -t Pool/Statistics/Others
## Start command at: 2024-01-24 14:07:15.231
44825095680b (87549015 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511782203028926, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18ffd775be in Backup::BackupCatalog_LogBackupStartEntry_V5::writeToView() const+0x38a at Backup/Catalog/impl/BackupCatalog_LogBackupStartEntry.cpp:422 (
39221958720b (87549015 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511782203028125, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18ffd7729d in Backup::BackupCatalog_LogBackupStartEntry_V5::writeToView() const+0x69 at Backup/Catalog/impl/BackupCatalog_LogBackupStartEntry.cpp:407 (
91658560b (28476 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511778763300288, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f1832d15dc0 in <no symbol>+0x0 (<unknown>)
90562752b (14741 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511778761988480, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f1832bd5980 in <no symbol>+0x0 (<unknown>)
42563232b (147789 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511781797602519, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18e7ad24d7 in UnifiedTable::UnifiedTablePageStatsProxy::initUnifiedTableStatisticsInStartup(ltt::refcounted_handle<DataAccess::PersistenceManager>&)+0x503 at UnifiedTable/impl/UnifiedTablePageStatsProxy.cpp:169 (
9770496b (19083 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511782202951347, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18ffd646b3 in Backup::BackupCatalog_CatalogBackupStartEntry::writeToView() const+0x370 at Backup/Catalog/impl/BackupCatalog_CatalogBackupStartEntry.cpp:191 (
8549184b (19083 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511782202950557, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18ffd6439d in Backup::BackupCatalog_CatalogBackupStartEntry::writeToView() const+0x59 at Backup/Catalog/impl/BackupCatalog_CatalogBackupStartEntry.cpp:178 (
1827840b (357 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511781705041581, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18e228c6ad in Diagnose::impl::FeatureUsageStatisticsSingleton::FeatureUsageStatisticsSingleton(char const*, char const*, char const*, int, unsigned long (*)())+0x19 at Basis/Diagnose/impl/FeatureUsageStatistics.cpp:475 (
1048576b (1024 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511781709446378, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18e26bfcea in MemoryManager::OOMEventContainer::resize(unsigned long)+0x1066 at Basis/MemoryManager/impl/mmReportMemoryProblems.cpp:443 (
537920b (3362 blocks) in use at: Dumping saved stack trace 9223511781704358751, 1 frames:
0: 0x00007f18e21e5b5f in Configuration::ParameterRegistry::registerParameter(Configuration::ParameterBase&)+0x29b at Basis/Configuration/impl/ParameterRegistry.cpp:46 (
Top 20 allocators:
Pool/Statistics/Others: 78.50gb (84297569520b) (175342956 blocks)
## Finish command at: 2024-01-24 14:11:50.750 command took: 4.592 min
SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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