There is an issue while running task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT for SAPAPPLH Software Component and the following error messages come up:
- Database table ESH:ABCxxx~ABCxxx~ACCOUNTING_DOC_H~%23167773 could not be created
HANA call terminated with HANA engine error. Error code: 2048
Error message: column store error: A received argument has an invalid value;Parameter INDEX is not supported.
Exception CX_ESH_ADM_GENERAL_ERROR was raised
Database table ESH:ABCxxx~ABCxxx~ACCOUNTING_DOC_H~%23167773 could not be created
- SAP_BASIS release 740
- SAP_BASIS release 750
- SAP_BASIS release 751
- SAP_BASIS release 752
- SAP_BASIS release 753
- SAP_BASIS release 754
- SAP_BASIS release 755
- SAP_BASIS release 756
SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
SAP_ESH_RESET, database, table, could not be created, HANA call terminated with HANA engine error, error code, 2048, column store error, a received argument has an invalid value, parameter INDEX is not supported, CX_ESH_ADM_GENERAL_ERROR , KBA , BC-EIM-ESH , NetWeaver Enterprise Search , Problem
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