- Subscription stuck in "queueing changes" status
- Reset the subscription and cleanup the source HANA database by cleanup script, rerun the replication task, still the same results
- DP agent use TCP connection
- From DP agent framework.trc log, a lot of message below.
DPFramework | ReceiverImpl.sendReceive [] - Agent reached polling timeout, while waiting for server to respond to message:
DPFramework | ReceiverImpl.sendReceive [] - Current Polling timeout: 600
DPFramework | ReceiverImpl.sendReceive [] - Timeunit: SECONDS
DPFramework | ReceiverImpl.sendReceive [] - Agent connections invalidated, will be recreated ...
DPFramework | ReceiverImpl.sendError [] - Request timed out. Request timed out.
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
DP agent, SDI, connection, lost, timeout , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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