You get an exception in Analysis Office when trying to save a workbook to SAC Platform:
[742f-6d73-db] Could not upload file. Error: {"message":"The file type is not supported. Please provide a valid file type.","stack":"","errorDetails":[{"messageId":"UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE_NEW","message":"The file type is not supported. Please provide a valid file type.","bUIMessage":true,"bWarning":false}],"status":500,"bUIMsg":true,"bWarning":false}
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud
saving; save on SAC; The file type is not supported; release; fix , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , LOD-ANA-AUT , SAC Authentication / Login , Problem
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