In summary, general system logs are monitored using SM21, which includes various system messages and events recorded in the work process traces. When the system log in transaction SM21 is evaluated, there are 10 work process types, with almost each of them recording information on a different work process file.
|Date |TIME |Instance |Type|Process No|Cl.|User |Priority|Message ID|Message Text |
|21.01.2024|14:18:20|abcdefg74_AA4_00|RD |000 | | | |S30 |SAP gateway was closed |
|21.01.2024|14:18:20|abcdefg74_AA4_00|RD |000 | | | |S00 |SAP gateway started (PID: 6710) |
The trace above was created by the Gateway. How can more details be obtained regarding why the gateway connection was closed?
SM21, dev_rd, dev_icm, dev_disp, dev_rfc*, dev_w*, dev_ms, , KBA , BC-CCM-MON-SLG , SAP System Log , Bug Filed
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