All sales quote are archived in the system, However archived Sales quote are all existing is sales quotes., means archiving sales quote did not happen.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Perquisite: User has archived all sales quotes in system.
- Go to Sales work center.
- Go to Sales Quote work center view.
- Search results shows the list of all Sales Quotes which should have been Archived.
- Expected result should show zero/ or none of the Sales Quote, as all Sales quotes are archived.
The Archiving action is performed in absence of an Active project in Implementation project, Hence the fine tunning activity will not available to check Archiving configuration for Sales Quote.
Archiving of Sales Quote can be performed for Active project in Tenant. This cannot be performed in absence of an active project.
Execute the following steps to identify an existing Active project in the system.
- Go to Business Configuration
- Go to Implementation Project
- Check for the Active Project
- Go to Open activity Project
Archiving, Sales Quote & Fine tune activity , KBA , LOD-CRM-ARC , C4C Archiving , How To