- AO is showing "Error while checking availability of SAP BusinessObjects BI platform system" when entering the webservice url and not allowing the user to access the AO.
- Issue seen after upgrade from SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.2 SP7 Patch to 4.3 SP 3
- Issue seen with both HTTP and HTTPS urls.
- From scripted test tool [KBA SAP KBA 3338843 ] Connection tests fail with errors like
“The system could not connect to the remote system at URI http://fqdn..:8080/services/Session/. This error occurred: “error 111 – Connection refused (Connection refused) (local port NNNNN to address N.N.N.N(fqdn), remote port 8080 to address N.N.N.N(fqdn))” - from KBA dswsbobje tester tool returns errors
" Unable to determine IP address from host name FQDN"
"The DNS server returned:"
"Name Error: The domain name does not exist." - Tomcat logs where dswsbobje is deployed show similar entries like -
Line 513982: [DEBUG] Fri Jan 12 16:26:24 EST 2024 jcsi.kerberos: Failure from UDP attempt #0 to DNS server FQDN/N.N.N.N-- Receive timed out (local port 12094 to address, remote host unknown)
SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.3 SP3
SAP Analysis Office 2.8+
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office 2.8 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
BI 4.3 AO 2.8 upgrade connect BIP , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , BI-RA-AO-BIP , AO Precalculation, Scheduling and AO InfoOb... , Problem
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