Since the update of Seek integration on December 2023, several customer are getting "technical error" issue within Recruiting Posting table.
SAP Successfactors Recruiting Posting
Recruiting Posting is fetching the advertisement type from Seek API for each posting made by customers. During the fetch it happens some time to time, that Seek is providing us the value "Classic" in the type of advertisements that are available for customers even though the value "Classic" is not part of advertisement type authorized.
If a "technical error" is happening on a Seek posting, customer should first download the job board logs to verify that it shows the "Classic" error.
If the "Classic error" is visible on the response log, then customer should reach out to Seek to request them to fix the issue. The workaround would be to unpost and repost the job and change the advertisement type field by not selecting "Classic". For new posting, recruiter should avoid to use "Classic" advertisement type if this is not an advertisement type allowed by Seek on your contract.
Important Note : If your contract allow the advertisement type "Classic", this error shouldn't happen and recruiter can obviously select "Classic" on the list. This workaround on this KBA applies only on customer having the "Classic" error.
Seek, technical error, RPO , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JSM , Job Boards/Schools Management , Problem