When changing the arrival or departure date of a Freight Order or Freight Booking the following error message occurs:
- /SCMTMS/TOR 044 - Arrival Date/Time must be later than Departure Date/Time; Adjust the times to solve the problem.
The error message may also occur during manual creation of a Freight Order/Booking
- SAP Transportation Management 9.1 - 9.6
- SAP Transportation Management embedded in S/4 HANA 1709+
SAP S/4HANA 1709 ; SAP S/4HANA 1809 ; SAP S/4HANA 1909 ; SAP S/4HANA 2020 ; SAP S/4HANA 2021 ; SAP S/4HANA 2022 ; SAP S/4HANA 2023 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.5 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.6
/SCMTMS/TOR, 44, arrival date, departure date, stage, perform scheduling, adjust , KBA , TM-FRM-FRO , Freight Order , TM-FRM-FRB , Freight Booking , TM-PLN-FU , Freight Unit , How To
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