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3427096 - Cannot create table due to error SQL code 289


  • Table <table_name> does not exist in the database and when trying to create it through transaction SE14, the following activation error occurs: 

    SQL Exception: SQL code: 289; SQL message: cannot use duplicate index name: <table_name>~<indexID> or constraint name

    Statements for Table <table_name> could not be executed

  • When trying to activate a table, the following activation error occurs:

    Retcode 1024: Error in DDL statement for <table_name> - repeat
    Error -601-SQL0601N The name of the object to be created when executing ADD-FIELD of
    Error <table_name>~<indexID> when executing ADD-FIELD of INDEX
    No DDL commands found for activation of <table_name>



SAP NetWeaver release independent.


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


KBA , BC-DWB-DIC , ABAP Dictionary and ABAP CDS , Problem

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