In ST22 there is a short dump CALL_FUNCTION_SEND_ERROR :
Short text
"Conversation <nr1> not found" (I/O error)
"CPIC-CALL: 'ThCMSEND' : cmRc=19 thRc=728 Conversation ID not found "
In the RFC gateway trace file (dev_rd)
GwIFreeDiscConn: delete conversation <nr1> (conn=60) in state DISCONNECT
some time later:
* LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host <hostname> / sapgw<instance number>
* ERROR Conversation <nr1> not found
There is a similar scenario when the RFC Gateway is the server of the connection (that is, when external programs are connecting to it). In that case, the CALL_FUNCTION_ACCEPT_FAILED dump occurs.
SAP Netweaver
ABAP Platform
KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , BC-ABA-LA , Syntax, Compiler, Runtime , Problem
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