- When attempting to provision Tricentis Test Automation for SAP, encountering error:
An error occurred during step "Set up Tricentis application": Please try again in a few minutes.
If the error persists, create an incident for SV-CLM-IMP-TAT. - Step 2 of Tricentis provisioning process (Provision Tricentis Tenant) fails.
- Identity Provider (IDP) is a custom Identity Authentication Service (IAS) instead of an IAS linked to SAP Cloud ALM during its provisioning process.
- Identify Provider is SAP IDP with Federation (Identity federation is chaining of identity providers to enable an end-user to get authenticated upstream of IdP -> not supported with normal Tricentis provisioning and requires SAP to manually create the Tricentis tenant)
CALM, TTA , KBA , SV-CLM-IMP-TAT , Test Automation Tools for SAP Cloud ALM , Problem
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