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3428356 - Snowflake column with DECIMAL(X, 0) data type is mapped to INTEGER or BIGINT in the virtual table - SAP HANA Smart Data Integration


  • Camel adapter is turning a long decimal number type such as DECIMAL(33,0) into a HANA BIGINT, even though this decimal has far greater precision than HANA's BIGINT can handle.
  • Decimal fields in Snowflake are accurately represented if their scale is not zero.
  • framework_alert.trc shows a NumberFormatException while reading data from such a table, if the column value exceeds the corresponding HANA Integer:
    • DefaultErrorHandler | CamelLogger.log [] - Failed delivery for (MessageId: ... on ExchangeId: ...). Exhausted after delivery attempt: 1 caught: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "120398712309487123098"



SAP HANA Smart Data Integration


SAP HANA smart data integration all versions


KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem

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