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3428810 - bgRFC units that run into an execution error are not automatically executed again


When bgRFC units run into an execution error (Queue Status = Queue has execution errors/Unit Status = Unit has errors), they do not restart automatically.

In transaction SBGRFCCONF, for the Inbound/Outbound destination that the queue has failed, the "Max. Auto Retries", "Wait per Unit" and "Wait/Destination" values were configured but seemingly are not working.



SAP NetWeaver all versions.

ABAP Platform all versions.


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


rfc, bgrfc, sbgrfcconf, sbgrfcmon, application, application error, application errors, execution, execution error, execution errors, function module, unit, queue, outbound, inbound, destination, processing, failed, error, failing, fail, units , KBA , BC-MID-RFC-BG , Background RFC (bgRFC) , Bug Filed

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