- Tasks fail with error suddenly
- Error: "Cannot connect to SAP Applications datastore <xxx> using host <xxx>, client <xxx>, user<xxx>, and system number <01: CRFC error: RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE- SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED : Remote Peer has closed the network connection. SapSSLSessionStartNB()==SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED
SSL::SiRecv() failed rc==SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED
SSL:SSL_get_state()==0x2120 "TLS read server hello A"
SSL NI-hdl 17: local=xxx peer=xxx
cli SSL session PSE "xxx"
SSL_CTX ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH
Client SSL_CTX 0000021C622FC650 pvflags=89[SAP Partner]>. Please make sure the SAP server is running and the login information is correct."
- SAP Cloud Integration for data services
- SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0 ; SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
remote peer, close, network connection, SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED, SapSSLSessionStartNB, IBP, datastore, migration, data center, SCM-IBP-OPS-SRV, CPIDS, tasks, fail , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , SCM-IBP-OPS-MIG , Migration , Problem
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